About Us

PhotoSpark Photography Workshops is based in the Western Suburbs of Melbourne Victoria Australia.

Members of the Essendon Camera Club, we've been involved with the Introduction to Photography course that runs there. Noticing that those who do the course often have a strong desire to build on what they have learned and want to explore where photography can take them, PhotoSpark Photography Workshops was born.

The workshops we run represent the kind of photography we love. There is something wonderful when you discover how to create the kind of photos you've often seen but not sure how to begin to approach. It generates a strong sense of elation and … ignites the spark in your photography.

The ability to share that with other people is truly gratifying.

With our workshops, we don't hold anything back. What we know we share with you. While elements can often be technical, we also know what it's like when you are first learning a concept and we endeavour to deliver it in a practical way.

Alex VH

Since inheriting my first film camera over 25 years ago as a teenager, I’ve been honing my photographic passion and expertise. I’m classically trained in analogue photography, having achieved a B.App.Sci. in Photography from RMIT.

I was an early adopter of digital imaging, and have been at the forefront of developing photographic techniques and image editing methods to fully utilise the digital medium since.

Specialising in landscape, seascape, cityscape, and any other type of scape photography, I have more recently been exploring the possibilities of mobile phone photography, relishing the challenge of using a technically limited camera.

For the past eight years, I’ve been part of the Essendon Camera Club’s introduction to photography course leadership team, helping to develop the curriculum. However, it is my roles teaching and mentoring that I’m most passionate, sharing my knowledge and love of photography.

Find me at: https://alexvh.com.au

Matt Wings

The photography bug caught me over 14 years ago on a trip to Europe when the results of my little point and shoot camera left me underwhelmed.

Since then I've been on an endless discovery of the possibilities of photography and fell in love with the art form.

I love what photography allows you to capture but more so, I love what photography encourages you to see. The shifting light and how it affects contours, lines and composition is just a thrilling experience. While I love portraiture and the human interaction it involves, nothing quite compares to immersing yourself in the great outdoors.

I found my spark over 14 years ago and there is nothing more satisfying than enabling others to begin to find theirs.

Find me at:
Photography Camp

Photography Camp

2 night Otway Photography Camp

Starting from $790.00